SELF-DEFENSE & martial arts

My inside, listen to me, the greatest spirit,

the Teacher, is near, wake up, wake up!

Run to his feet - he is standing close to your head right now.

You have slept for millions and millions of years.

Why not wake up this morning?

- Kabir


Weaponizing the startle response and managing the acute stress response effectively are critical aspects of high-stress combat training. This type of conditioning is particularly applicable to self-defense and combatives instruction, whereas the martial art aspect focuses more on fine movement. While it’s challenging to circumvent the physiological adrenaline response entirely, there are several strategies and methods to help practitioners maintain clear thinking and articulate actions under pressure.


Understanding the Startle Stimulus

Leverage Natural Reactions: Cadre Bruin Training Doctrine is based on the body's natural startle response, which can be highly effective in real-life confrontations. Understanding and training practitioners to harness this reaction can be a powerful tool.

Stress Inoculation

Gradual Exposure: Stress Inoculation training involves gradually exposing individuals to stressors in a controlled environment. This helps them become desensitized to stress over time and improves their ability to function under pressure.

Realistic Scenarios: The use of highly realistic, scenario-based training simulates the conditions of actual combat. This helps trainees experience and adapt to the adrenaline response in a safe environment.

Breathing Techniques

Controlled Breathing: Teaching and practicing controlled breathing techniques, such as tactical breathing (inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, holding again for four seconds) can help regulate heart rate and maintain focus during high-stress situations.

Box Breathing: Similar to tactical breathing, box breathing involves breathing in a square pattern, which can help manage the physiological effects of stress.

Mental Conditioning and Visualization

Mental Rehearsal: Encourage mental rehearsal and visualization of different scenarios. This technique helps practitioners mentally prepare for various outcomes and can reduce anxiety by making situations feel familiar.

Positive Self-Talk: Trains practitioners to use positive self-talk to maintain focus and composure during stressful situations.

Cognitive Load Management

Chunking Information: Teaching practitioners to chunk information into smaller, manageable pieces helps in processing information quickly and reduces cognitive overload.

Decision-Making Drills: Conducting drills that focus on rapid decision-making under stress can help practitioners become more comfortable making quick, effective decisions in real-world situations.

Stage Methods

Character Training: Using elements of method acting, where practitioners adopt a persona or character during training, can help them detach emotionally from the situation and perform tasks more rationally. This can be particularly useful in high-stress scenarios.

Role-Playing: Implement role-playing exercises where practitioners take on different roles and personas. This can improve adaptability and psychological resilience.

Physical Fitness and Resilience

Regular Physical Training: Maintaining high levels of physical fitness can improve overall resilience to stress. Physical fitness helps in quicker recovery from the adrenaline dump and improves overall performance.

Resilience Building: Include activities that build mental and physical resilience, such as endurance training, cold exposure, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Advanced Techniques and Technologies

Biofeedback and Neurofeedback: Use biofeedback and neurofeedback devices to monitor physiological responses and train practitioners to control their stress responses. These technologies provide real-time data that can be used to improve stress management techniques.

Methods for Articulate Performance in Battle

Mindfulness Training: Mindfulness meditation has been shown to improve focus and reduce the impact of stress. Incorporating mindfulness practices can help operators remain calm and articulate.

Combat Breathing Techniques: Techniques used by elite military units, such as Navy SEALs, involve specific breathing patterns and mental conditioning exercises to maintain clarity and composure under pressure.

While it is difficult to completely circumvent the adrenaline response, these strategies can significantly improve a practitioner’s ability to manage stress, maintain clear thinking, and execute precise actions under pressure. Incorporating a combination of stress inoculation, mental conditioning, breathing techniques, stage elements, and advanced training technologies creates a robust training program that prepares practitioners for the demands of whatever they may encounter.


Striking and boxing fundamentals are crucial for effective self-defense.


Stance and Footwork

A solid stance provides balance and mobility. Feet should be shoulder-width apart with one foot slightly forward. Proper footwork enables quick movement, helping to dodge attacks and position oneself advantageously.

Triangle Guard Position

Keep hands up to protect the face, with elbows close to the body to shield the torso. This triangular defensive posture is vital for blocking and countering strikes.

Striking Techniques

Basic punches like the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut are essential. Low-line kicking destabilizes the opponent's stance. Each strike should be executed with precision, using the body’s rotation for power rather than just arm strength.


Proper breathing enhances stamina and power. Exhaling sharply with each punch increases force and helps maintain rhythm, while controlled breathing between strikes aids in recovery and endurance.


Mastering these fundamentals not only improves self-defense capabilities but also builds confidence and physical fitness.



Sinawali, a fundamental drill in Filipino Martial Arts, means "to weave." The drill itself is not very combat effective, however the motion is the engine that drives many components of fighting with control and precision. 



Sinawali involves synchronized use of both hands, improving ambidexterity and the ability to strike, block, and counter effectively with either hand. This coordination is crucial for responding to threats dynamically.


The continuous, rhythmic motion in Sinawali helps practitioners maintain a seamless flow of movement. This fluidity allows for quick transitions between offensive and defensive actions, making it harder for an opponent to predict and counter moves.

Reference Points

Practicing Sinawali develops spatial awareness and familiarity with key striking and blocking positions. These reference points enable practitioners to instinctively position their limbs for maximum effectiveness during an encounter.


Sinawali drills teach precise timing, ensuring that strikes and blocks are executed at the optimal moment. This timing is vital for intercepting attacks and exploiting openings in an opponent’s defense.


Overall, Sinawali enhances a practitioner’s ability to respond effectively in self-defense situations through improved coordination, seamless flow, reliable reference points, and precise timing.



Defense against weapons is a critical component of self-defense, emphasizing the need to respond effectively to knives, clubs, blunt objects, and handguns.



Defending against knives requires techniques that prioritize distance management and control. Key strategies include using evasive movements to avoid slashes and stabs, redirecting the weapon hand, and employing disarming techniques to neutralize the threat. Understanding knife dynamics and maintaining awareness are essential to minimize injury.

Clubs and Blunt Objects

Defense against clubs and blunt objects focuses on blocking or evading strikes, using both arms to shield vital areas, and closing the distance to reduce the weapon’s impact force. Techniques often involve grappling and controlling the attacker’s weapon arm to disarm them and prevent repeated strikes.


Defending against handguns is particularly dangerous and requires a combination of de-escalation tactics and, if necessary, rapid, decisive action. Techniques involve redirecting the muzzle away from oneself and others, controlling the weapon-bearing limb, and quickly disarming the attacker while seeking cover. Understanding firearm operation and maintaining situational awareness are crucial.


In all cases, defense against weapons demands high levels of situational awareness, quick reflexes, and calm under pressure. Training in specific techniques and realistic scenarios enhances the ability to protect oneself and others effectively.



Balintawak Arnis was developed by Great Grandmaster Venancio 'Anciong' Bacon in Cebu City, Philippines in 1952 after leaving the Doce Pares organization. The focus is on single stick combat, with an emphasis on practicality, precision, and tremendous speed and power. The curriculum has been taught internationally by many instructors and Grandmasters from various backgrounds and nationalities. Among these was a street fighter and professional bodyguard from Cagayan de Oro, Philippines named Danilo 'Danny' Vedua. Grandmaster Vedua has revolutionized the Balintawak theory by streamlining the basics and greatly expanding the well-known Grouping System by his development of the 18 Steps. This provides far more options to the practitioner and greatly enhances their ability to handle a much broader variety of armed attacks. Thus was born the flagship system taught at Cadre Bruin FMA, Askal Hybrid Arnis.


Askal Hybrid Arnis is taught via a proprietary curriculum. The following is an outline, as the full course material is known only to credentialed Askal instructors.


Level I - Foundation

Level II - Situational Responses & Countermeasures

Level III - Randomized Basic Strikes

Level IV - Precision in Partial Steps

Level V - Weapon Disarming & Solitary Weapon Mastery

Level VI - Precision Targeting

Level VII - Strategic Slashing

Level VIII - Free Sparring

Level IX - Joint Locking

Level X - Ground Control

Completion - Comprehensive Mastery


Elements of traditional Balintawak are also taught. The varieties of systems within the Balintawak Family tend to become meta, thus the need for mutual intelligibility and interchangeability. 


Experience the Power of Filipino Martial Arts

Join us for a transformative journey of self-defense and martial arts mastery. Contact us to learn more about our training programs and workshops!